Wanna talk about last weekend? You wanted the Yeezy’s but didn’t get it? Ok, let’s just leave it at that and just turn our heads to the upcoming days – this week’s a little bit more quite when it comes to sneaker releases but perhaps it is ok to slide in a moment to relax in such a crazy time.
Nevertheless there are some releases, also some hyped ones. Rihanna is back in the shoe game, adidas brings another Ultraboost collab and the Jordan 12 “The Master” will be released to – which one will you hunt down?
In case you’re not all about the latest hype releases we can recommend a great event on this sunday: K’LEKTION Vol II is taking place at Cologne! The self-called lifestyle convention features dozens of private sneaker sellers, resellers, local shops and brands offering vintage sneakers, bargains and hyped kicks – everybody will find something! For more information about K’LEKTION Vol III click here!
Here we go – WEEKLY DROPS #8
PUMA X RIHANNA FENTY TRAINER PACK – Rihanna’s known for her exquisit style and what could be better than her bringing it to Puma! The Creeper was a great success and the Fenty is a pretty crazy release. We can’t wait!
Release: February 26 via puma.com and other stores!
NIKE MAYFLY – 4 colorways of the classic and lightweight Mayfly silhouette will be available later this week.
Release: February 26 via HHV and other stores!
CNCPTS X Diadora N9000 „Tuxedo“:
Damn, Boston’s Concepts is clearly one of the most anticipated collab partners – now ithey bring a great N9000 in black’n white!
Release: February 27 via CNCPTS!
ADIDAS CONSORTIUM X WOOD WOOD ULTRA BOOST PACK: Wood Wood has always been a strong partner for sneaker collabs and still is. The black and white Ultraboost pack actually is inspired by a physical phenomenon – crazy story!
Release: February 27 via No.74 and Consortium retailers around the world such as TGWO, Hanon and Uebervart.
DIADORA NV7000 X LAMJC: LAMJC created a V7000 collab with Diadora that’s inspired by the 2006 “All Gone” book – nice one!
Release: February 27 via Club75!
AIR JORDAN 12 RETRO “THE MASTER”: The Master is coming and we’re pretty hyped about is! Read the story of “the Master” here!
Release: February 27 at nike.com!
Adidas Tokyo EQT Support 93: The Tokyo Support is inspired by the 1964 Olympic Games of Tokyo and features a classic blue tone with a Japanese flag at the heel.
Release: February 27 via adidas.de!Neue Woche, neues Glück! Nachdem das letzte Wochenende zumindest release-technisch wohl eher chaotisch war – wir sagen nur Yeeeeezy und F5 – gehen es die Brands in dieser Woche einen kleinen Ticken langsamer an. Wobei nichtsdestotrotz einige starke Sneaker-Releases auf uns zukommen. Der nächste Puma x Rihanna steht an, eine weitere Ultraboost–Kollabo wird releast, ausserdem kommt mit dem Mayfly ein absoluter Nike-Klassiker. Nicht zu vergessen den “The Master” Jordan 12, dessen Story es HIER gibt. Da sollten wohl Viele auf ihre Kosten kommen.
Für alle, die in dieser Woche auch am Sonntag nicht auf den Turnschuhkauf verzichten wollen: Die Jungs und Mädels von KLEKT veranstalten am kommenden Sonntag die zweite Ausgabe ihrer Sneaker-Veranstaltung – am 28.02. gibt es in Köln die K’LEKTION II – “the lifestyle convention”. Mehrere Dutzend private Händler, Reseller, Shops und Brands präsentieren und verkaufen alles, was das Turnschuhherz begehrt – von absoluten Schnäppchen, über Vintagekracher und neueste Hype-Releases, da sollte keiner leer ausgehen. Übrigens, HIER gibt es alle Infos zum Event!
Hier geht’s lang zu unseren “WEEKLY DROPS #8”:
PUMA X RIHANNA FENTY TRAINER PACK – Rihanna’s known for her exquisit style and what could be better than her bringing it to Puma! The Creeper was a great success and the Fenty is a pretty crazy release. We can’t wait!
Release: February 26 via puma.com and other stores!
NIKE MAYFLY – 4 colorways of the classic and lightweight Mayfly silhouette will be available later this week.
Release: February 26 via HHV and other stores!
CNCPTS X Diadora N9000 „Tuxedo“:
Damn, Boston’s Concepts is clearly one of the most anticipated collab partners – now ithey bring a great N9000 in black’n white!
Release: February 27 via CNCPTS!
ADIDAS CONSORTIUM X WOOD WOOD ULTRA BOOST PACK: Wood Wood has always been a strong partner for sneaker collabs and still is. The black and white Ultraboost pack actually is inspired by a physical phenomenon – crazy story!
Release: February 27 via No.74 and Consortium retailers around the world such as TGWO, Hanon and Uebervart.
DIADORA NV7000 X LAMJC: LAMJC created a V7000 collab with Diadora that’s inspired by the 2006 “All Gone” book – nice one!
Release: February 27 via Club75!
AIR JORDAN 12 RETRO “THE MASTER”: The Master is coming and we’re pretty hyped about is! Read the story of “the Master” here!
Release: February 27 at nike.com!
Adidas Tokyo EQT Support 93: The Tokyo Support is inspired by the 1964 Olympic Games of Tokyo and features a classic blue tone with a Japanese flag at the heel.
Release: February 27 via adidas.de!