Hand auf’s Herz – ist das die beste Release-Woche im bisherigen Jahr? Es scheint, als haben sich alle Marken darauf eingeschossen, in dieser Woche großartige Packs und Releases zu bringen. Dazu kommt: Es ist Valentinstag und geich mehrere Brands bringen mittlerweile fast traditionell passende Packs in die Läden. Die Wahl ähnelt in dieser Woche wohl eher der Qual, aber dennoch: Was kommt an die Füße? Habt ihr einen Favoriten?
Hier sind unsere “WEEKLY DROPS #6″:
MITA X ASICS Gel-Lyte V “TRICO”: This is a very uncommon release. MITA released the same colorway in 2015 as part of the Gel-Lyte III “25th anniversary” – now they’re bringing it back on the Gel-Lyte V. Nevertheless it looks great!
Release: February 13th via Overkill, TGWO, AFEW and other stores!
AIR JORDAN 10 RETRO “OVO”: That’s huge – the black Jordan 10 “OVO” will drop and the kids are already camping. Make yourself ready for a tough release.
Release: February 13 via nike.com
BAIT X DIADORA N9000: It’s always nice to get a second chance! After the initial raffle release via BAIT itself you can take your chance to buy the BAIT X DIADORA N9000 this weekend!
Release: February 13 via Suppa and other stores!
PUMA X ALIFE COLLECTION: After the very successful drop in 2015, Puma made another great collection with NYC-based ALIFE. Several apparel and footwear pieces will be available later this week.
Release: February 13th via selected retailers such as MATE, Save Our Sole and Glory Hole!
NIKE FLYKNIT RACER “BLUE CACTUS”: Another highly anticipated colorway of the Flyknit Racer will drop this week – it will be available in mens sizes!
Release: February 12 via nike.com.
PUMA VALENTINE’S DAY: Second hit for Puma in this week. Very subtle but still effective in appearance they created a great Valentine’s Day Pack featuring two colorways of the Puma Suede – one is his and one is hers!
Release: February 13 at shops such as 43einhalb
REEBOK X HIGHPOINT VALENTINE’S DAY: Our second Valentine’s Day Pack in this weeks mix. The Club C was just released some days ago and Reebok just gave it the Valentines makeover with HIGHPOINT. Wanna know more? Click here!
Release: February 13 exclusively at SOLEBOX (for the german speaking countries!)
ADIDAS NMD NICE KICKS: The second stop of the Consortium Word Tour brings us to Nice Kicks, San Francisco, and also to the first ever NMD collab! With a red and black psychedelic print Nice Kicks want to pay homage to SF’s Hippie past. Read more here!
Release: February 13 at Consortium stores such as Uebervart or TGWO!
NIKE AIR ICARUS NSW: After the first rumours we were pretty sceptical about the re-release of a 90s icon such as the Air Icarus but when first on feet shots by Asphaltgold turned up earlier this week we were so hyped – the retro seems to be pretty good! Technically this release will take place on next Monday but we thought it way too late to talk about next week.
Release: February 15 at Asphaltgold, Nike.de, 43einhalb and other stores!
NIKE AIR JORDAN CEMENT: Another true classic Air Jordan get’s its comeback these days and will even be released with the Nike Air logo on the heel!
Release: February 13th via Kickz, nike.com and other stores!Let’s be honest: this week has so many great releases to offer. It almost seems as if the brands agreed on emptying our purses all together. Are there already campouts and people sitting at home waiting and refreshing for their beloved kicks to drop?
What’s your favorite?
Here they are – “WEEKLY DROPS #6″:
MITA X ASICS Gel-Lyte V “TRICO”: This is a very uncommon release. MITA released the same colorway in 2015 as part of the Gel-Lyte III “25th anniversary” – now they’re bringing it back on the Gel-Lyte V. Nevertheless it looks great!
Release: February 13th via Overkill, TGWO, AFEW and other stores!
AIR JORDAN 10 RETRO “OVO”: That’s huge – the black Jordan 10 “OVO” will drop and the kids are already camping. Make yourself ready for a tough release.
Release: February 13 via nike.com
BAIT X DIADORA N9000: It’s always nice to get a second chance! After the initial raffle release via BAIT itself you can take your chance to buy the BAIT X DIADORA N9000 this weekend!
Release: February 13 via Suppa and other stores!
PUMA X ALIFE COLLECTION: After the very successful drop in 2015, Puma made another great collection with NYC-based ALIFE. Several apparel and footwear pieces will be available later this week.
Release: February 13th via selected retailers such as MATE, Save Our Sole and Glory Hole!
NIKE FLYKNIT RACER “BLUE CACTUS”: Another highly anticipated colorway of the Flyknit Racer will drop this week – it will be available in mens sizes!
Release: February 12 via nike.com.
PUMA VALENTINE’S DAY: Second hit for Puma in this week. Very subtle but still effective in appearance they created a great Valentine’s Day Pack featuring two colorways of the Puma Suede – one is his and one is hers!
Release: February 13 at shops such as 43einhalb
REEBOK X HIGHPOINT VALENTINE’S DAY: Our second Valentine’s Day Pack in this weeks mix. The Club C was just released some days ago and Reebok just gave it the Valentines makeover with HIGHPOINT. Wanna know more? Click here!
Release: February 13 exclusively at SOLEBOX (for the german speaking countries!)
ADIDAS NMD NICE KICKS: The second stop of the Consortium Word Tour brings us to Nice Kicks, San Francisco, and also to the first ever NMD collab! With a red and black psychedelic print Nice Kicks want to pay homage to SF’s Hippie past. Read more here!
Release: February 13 at Consortium stores such as Uebervart or TGWO!
NIKE AIR ICARUS NSW: After the first rumours we were pretty sceptical about the re-release of a 90s icon such as the Air Icarus but when first on feet shots by Asphaltgold turned up earlier this week we were so hyped – the retro seems to be pretty good! Technically this release will take place on next Monday but we thought it way too late to talk about next week.
Release: February 15 at Asphaltgold, Nike.de, 43einhalb and other stores!
NIKE AIR JORDAN CEMENT: Another true classic Air Jordan get’s its comeback these days and will even be released with the Nike Air logo on the heel!
Release: February 13th via Kickz, nike.com and other stores!