WEEKLY DROPS #16 – the best releases of the week

 In News, Shopping Lists

We don’t want to loose too many words this week – it’s a strong release weekend with a nice variety of sneakers. Interestingly no Boost can be spotted after weeks of a sheer dominance. But nevertheless adidas releases two strong EQT silhouettes to stay on top of the course. Nike keeps this weekend quite but releases not only two brand-new sock dart and the UNDFTD Dunk early on thursday – better be quick!

What will you buy this week? Here are the WEEKLY DROPS 16:


NIKE SOCK DART: already available since this morning at Nike.com!


Puma x Crossover Blaze of Glory: Limited edition – available at 43einhalb and other stores from April 23!


Puma Disc by GraphersRock_01: Available at 43einhalb and other stores from April 23!

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Adidas Consortium EQT Running 93 X Foot Patrol: Available instore at Foot Patrol on April 23 – worldwide release on April 30!


EXTRA BUTTER X DIADORA N.9000 “GIALLO”: Available (only instore) at Extra-Butter on April 23.


Offspring X REEBOK Insta Pump Fury – 20th Anniversary: Available at Offspring from April 22!

 Heute wollen wir mal keine großen Worte verlieren – das kommende Wochenende ist, wie immer, durch gute Releases geprägt. Und durch eine Besonderheit: adidas bringt in dieser Woche KEINEN NMD und keinen Boost auf den Markt. ;) Dafür kommen zwei starke EQT-Kollabos mit SNS bzw. Footpatrol in die Regale. Nike hält dagegen und releast schon am Donnerstag den UNDFTD Dunk sowie zwei neue Sock Darts.

Am Ende entscheidet ihr – was kommt an die Füße? Hier sind die WEEKLY DROPS für KW 16:


NIKE SOCK DART: already available since this morning at Nike.com!


Puma x Crossover Blaze of Glory: Limited edition – available at 43einhalb and other stores from April 23!


Puma Disc by GraphersRock_01: Available at 43einhalb and other stores from April 23!

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Adidas Consortium EQT Running 93 X Foot Patrol: Available instore at Foot Patrol on April 23 – worldwide release on April 30!


EXTRA BUTTER X DIADORA N.9000 “GIALLO”: Available (only instore) at Extra-Butter on April 23.


Offspring X REEBOK Insta Pump Fury – 20th Anniversary: Available at Offspring from April 22!


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