The latest collaboration from Hikmet Sugoer‘s premium sneaker brand sees him teaming up with one of the world’s most influental automobile brands. With the Porsche Design x SONRA [...]
For their latest “Made in Germany” collab, the folks over at ROOS present a very special project. With the Grubenhelden x KangaROOS “Pawer”, they unite tradition, progress [...]
Super Bowl LIV is right around the corner and it’s time to celebrate. At least that’s what the guys over at KangaROOS thought when they came up with the idea of a sneaker dedicated to [...]
For the very first time, KangaROOS celebrates the Chinese New Year with a special sneaker. Since 2020 is the Year of the Rat, the brand created a unique shoe to join the festivities. This special [...]
Czech sneaker boutique Footshop is back for their second collab with KangaROOS. To celebrate the 5th anniversary of their store, they created the Footshop x KangaROOS Ultimate 3 [...]
Next to the premium Made in Germany quality of their limited sneakers, KangaROOS also takes pride in launching collabs that focus on sustainability. Following their recent Ocean 76 project, the [...]
Titelhelden x KangaROOS – Cheesecake Coil R-1 Release April 11th, 2015, 6p.m. instore @ Titelhelden Es wird wieder mal Zeit für eine “Made in Germany KangaROOS” Collabo. Mit dem [...]
Pünktlich zu den olympischen Spielen in London hat auch adidas noch ein sneakertechnisches Ass im Ärmel: den adiZero Primeknit. Es ist der erste Schuh in der ...