#sneakersmag EURO 2016 Special
2016′ Uefa European Championship is already running since some days and you didn’t get your outfit ready yet? That’s a pity – this years jerseys look better and more stylish than ever before, many brands also released special supporter apparel and special edition European Championship editions.
But there’s no need to worry, we got you covered. We searched through some of our favorite sneaker and streetwear stores to find the best sneakers, apparel and other stuff for the big tournament! Some of the stores have specials, others did great editorials and others picked their own team!
Overkillshop Berlin: Team Overkill selected their own team – great choice guys! GET THE MERCH HERE! #teamoverkill
Asphaltgold Sneakerstore: Darmstadt’s Asphaltgold crew knows the deal! They shot a whole editorial with cool football inspired outfits and show us how to combine the great retro shirts with the three stripes – check out the whole story HERE! GET THE MERCH HERE!
Inflammable: get a free present with every order from the “EM selection”! CLICK HERE!
German football blogger BOOTSBLOG was out with @sizetenplease to shoot a great editorial with Nike jerseys and shows that football jerseys can also look great off the pitch! See the whole shooting HERE and get the Jerseys via Nike!
German retailer hhv.de just created a nice selection of “football casual” apparel and sneakers – terraces is a huge thing at the moment! SHOP THE COLLECTION HERE!
Nike Football is the official partner of many of the successful European teams and shows how good football looks in 2016 – you can get the whole range of official merchandise at NIKE.COM NOW!
Also adidas has a special landing page for their recent Euro 2016 collection – SHOP IT HERE!Die Fußball-Europameisterschaft 2016 ist bereits seit einigen Tagen in vollem Gange und nimmt so langsam Fahrt auf. Interessant ist für uns jedoch nicht nur das, was so auf dem Rasen passiert, sondern auch das Umfeld. Wenn ihr uns fragt, dann sah Fußball noch nie so straßentauglich aus, wie Heute. Die Trikots werden immer schlichter und “tragbarer”, der “Football Casual” Trend erhält seit einiger Zeit auch in Deutschland Einzug. Natürlich gibt es auch von den großen Brands Specials, einige Shops starten Aktionen oder schießen besondere Advertorials und und und.
Um euch das nicht vorzuenthalten und vielleicht zum perfekten EM-Outfit zu verhelfen, haben wir uns in einigen unserer liebsten Stores etwas umgeschaut – was wir so gefunden haben, das zeigen wir euch unten:
Overkillshop Berlin: Team Overkill selected their own team – great choice guys! GET THE MERCH HERE! #teamoverkill
Asphaltgold Sneakerstore: Darmstadt’s Asphaltgold crew knows the deal! They shot a whole editorial with cool football inspired outfits and show us how to combine the great retro shirts with the three stripes – check out the whole story HERE! GET THE MERCH HERE!
Inflammable: get a free present with every order from the “EM selection”! CLICK HERE!
German football blogger BOOTSBLOG was out with @sizetenplease to shoot a great editorial with Nike jerseys and shows that football jerseys can also look great off the pitch! See the whole shooting HERE and get the Jerseys via Nike!
German retailer hhv.de just created a nice selection of “football casual” apparel and sneakers – terraces is a huge thing at the moment! SHOP THE COLLECTION HERE!
Nike Football is the official partner of many of the successful European teams and shows how good football looks in 2016 – you can get the whole range of official merchandise at NIKE.COM NOW!
Also adidas has a special landing page for their recent Euro 2016 collection – SHOP IT HERE!