Again we’re facing a release weekend with a nix mix of releasing sneakers. From bright colored summer colorways on several silhouettes over clean GR’s and hyped limited releases with [...]
Again we’re facing a release weekend with a nix mix of releasing sneakers. From bright colored summer colorways on several silhouettes over clean GR’s and hyped limited releases with [...]
A high number of the greatest innovations in performance and lifestyle footwear starts at an “what if…” point. The designer takes a spontaneous idea, dream or imagination as the [...]
Collabos are truly something special. As soon as a shoe, that’s maybe even kind of mediocre gets that special collab treatment, it instantly gains popularity. Whenever stores get the chance [...]
Wanna talk about last weekend? You wanted the Yeezy’s but didn’t get it? Ok, let’s just leave it at that and just turn our heads to the upcoming days – this week’s a [...]
We know sometimes it’s hard: dozens of nice releases every week, every weekend seems to be the best release weekend of the year and so on. But what to say? We always try to list the best [...]
Neue Woche, neues Glück – ihr kennt das ja! Die zweite Ausgabe von “WEEKLY DROPS” für 2016 bringt uns einen guten Mix an GR’s und limited Releases, bei denen insbesondere Asics [...]
It’s not always about Hype releases and limited stuff. We met Dennis Leys, who has been collecting sneakers for many years to talk about kicks, hype and his exotic collection. You should [...]
Ding Dong, it’s “Weird Wednesday” again! There are tons of great releases, tons of awesome new silhouettes and sneakers all around us, but let’s face it: there’s [...]
Ewing Athletics Concept – Red Suede Released @ Oqium, Basket4Ballers & ewingathletics.com Wie versprochen kommt hier nun der zweite Release Post zu den September Releases von Ewing [...]
Air Jordan MTM Pack Release June 27th, 2015 @ Jordan.com & selected Air Jordan retailers Am vergangenen Wochenende fanden in Paris die Feierlichkeiten zum 30jährigen Jubiläum von Jordan Brand [...]