Weekly Drops #14 – The Best Releases Of The Week
To cop or not the cop – that’s the question of the questions almost every weekend. This week is no exception. We’re awaiting some great sneakers to be released. Again it is the Boost [...]
To cop or not the cop – that’s the question of the questions almost every weekend. This week is no exception. We’re awaiting some great sneakers to be released. Again it is the Boost [...]
It’s Thursday and the weekend finally begins tomorrow! That means we have to talk about this weekends hot sneaker releases as there are many of them again! So let’s have a look at [...]
Sometimes we watch a show on TV and spot some heat. Often it’s on feet of a celebrity who didn’t come up as a sneakerhead so far, which makes it even more surprising. Check out our 9 [...]
At first we planned to let the NMD Drop be part of this post but well, they were sold out everywhere in a minute. This week we’re facing a more negligible number of releases but [...]
After a seemingly quite start to 2016 when it comes to releases Nike gathers more and more pace over the last days and weeks. We’re again facing a domination and a high number of strong [...]
This could sound a little weird now but this week really is a little weird regarding releases. It’s the first week of 2016 adidas seems to not release at least one highly appreciated [...]
We know sometimes it’s hard: dozens of nice releases every week, every weekend seems to be the best release weekend of the year and so on. But what to say? We always try to list the best [...]
Hand auf’s Herz – ist das die beste Release-Woche im bisherigen Jahr? Es scheint, als haben sich alle Marken darauf eingeschossen, in dieser Woche großartige Packs und Releases zu bringen. [...]
Heute ohne Große Worte: uns erwartet auch in KW 5 ein Wochenende mit vielen hochwertigen Turnschuh-Releases, egal ob nun limitiert oder nicht, Runner oder Basketball. Wie man so hört wird in [...]