Am Sonntag sind wir ins schöne Utrecht gereist, um eine ganz besondere Auflage des “Approved Sneakers Markets” zu besuchen. Das Team um Kiwan Leung (Approved Sneakers) hat sich mit einem lokalen Festival zusammen getan und das Event Utregse Unie meets Approved Sneakers Market auf die Beine gestellt. Die vielseitige Veranstaltung fand im NUtrecht über drei verschiedene Areas statt.
Auf der Kreativ-Fläche gab es Live Customization, BBoy-Battles und ausgestellte Kunst zu bestaunen, während nebenan ein Skatestore Minirampcontest stattfand.
Für uns war natürlich die dritte Fläche besonders interessant – in der großen „Pilotenhalle“ fand der eigentliche Approved Sneakers Market by Crep Protect. Zu den Ausstellern gehörten neben dutzenden privaten Sammlern, Resellern und Stores wie Approved Sneakers und die SoleHunters, auch Brands wie REEL und die Jungs von Need More, die die Masse mit allerhand Sneakern und sneaker-bezogenen Dingen versorgten.
Mehrere DJs bespielten die Hallen mit dem passenden Soundtrack. Für jeden der nicht da sein konnte, haben wir hier einen Photo Recap vom Approved Sneakers Market für euch!
Last Sunday we travelled to beautiful Utrecht to attend a special edition of Approved Sneakers Market. Together with a local festival they created Utregse Unie meets Approved Sneakers Market. This multidisciplinary Urban event took place in NUtrecht and contained three different areas. The first area was a creative area with live customization, BBoy battling and art exhibits while there was a Skatestore Miniramp contest (powered by monster energy) going on next door. The last area was the most interesting for us since it was where the magic happened. The Approved Sneakers Market by Crep Protect in the big Pilot Hall was definitely worth a visit! As far as exhibitors there were dozens of private collectors, international resellers and shops like Approved Sneakers, Sneakers Paradise and SoleHunters but also brands and labels such as Reel Jeans, Need More and others that provided us with all kinds of sneakers and sneaker related products like jogger pants, art and posters. The whole event was accompanied by different DJs, who ensured a good vibe amongst the crowd. We’ve visited a great event with nice people and tons of heat – Dutch definitely know sneakers!
In order to give everyone who couldn’t be there a feel of what the event was like, here’s our photo recap of the latest Approved Sneakers Market.